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Approaching Misura Larga

Welcome back to measure (misura) month. We’re spending the entire month looking at the basics of this measure, your attack & defense options, and some sample play/actions from each measure.

So far, we’ve looked at being Out of Measure and the quasi-modern development of Misura Larghissima. Today, we’re looking at the basics of Misra Larga — which is where we see most of the plays/plates develop in the Italian treatises.

The Basics of Larga

Alfieri's lunge
Deep lunge from Alfieri

Misura Larga (Wide Measure) is defined as the distance in which we can strike our opponent’s head or torso with a step-lunge or strike their sword-arm with a leaning-lunge.

How big of a step-lunge, however, varies a bit from master to master. For example: lunges in Fabris tend to be relatively moderate compared to, say, Alfieri in larga.

Fabris Plate 28
Moderate lunge from Fabris

In Alfieri, larga is a very wide/long lunge, which he says is dangerous because it’s easy to be off-balance and have difficulty in recovering. For a more moderate lunge, he would recommend being in misura perfetta (perfect measure) which is a term pretty unique to his system.

Alfieri Plate 8
A moderate lunge from misura perfetta

I recommend aiming for a more moderate lunge whenever possible. If you can go deeper, that’s fine as long as you’re able to properly & easily recover from the position. Defense of your person should always be paramount, so leaving yourself in a highly vulnerable position should be avoided.

From a visual standpoint, we’re in larga when our blade is crossed with our opponent’s blade somewhere between a palmo (hand-span) from the point to the mezza spada (middle of the sword). This is a super down & dirty starting point; there are a few variables to how true this is at any given time including:

  • Your lunge depth
  • Your sword length
  • Your opponent’s sword length
  • Your arm length
  • Your opponent’s arm length

So don’t take that visual as gospel, but a rough starting point.

Continue reading Approaching Misura Larga